Apocaloptimistic Dharma

If enlightened, I will show up with open heart and willing hands. If apocalypse, I will show with open heart and willing hands.
— Ram Dass

☸️ Evolving Dharma

What do the teachings of Buddhism have to offer our contemporary moment? With so many connected challenges, spanning both our personal and collective lives, how can a thousands year old tradition be used, not just as a spiritual pacifier, but as a genuine source of personal & collective transformation?

In this series of live virtual trainings, hosted by Buddhist Geeks guiding teachers, Vince Fakhoury Horn & Emily West Horn, you’re invited to explore the evolving practice & theory of Buddhism through what are called The Four Turnings. These revolutionary turnings offer us a well-trodden path for developing our own contemplative wisdom in a world-in-crisis.

🦾 The Four Trainings

The First Turning

January 7 – March 12, 2025

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The Second Turning

April 8 – June 11, 2025

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The Third Turning

July 9 – September 11, 2025

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The Fourth Turning

October 22 – December 18, 2024

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👥 The Teachers

Vince Fakhoury Horn
Buddhist Geeks Guiding Teacher

Vince Fakhoury Horn is part of a new generation of teachers bringing dharma, meditation, & mindfulness to life in the 21st century. A computer engineering dropout turned full-time meditator, Vince spent his 20s co-founding the ground-breaking project, Buddhist Geeks, while simultaneously doing a full year, in total, of silent retreat practice. Vince began teaching in 2010 and has since been authorized in both the Pragmatic Dharma lineage of Kenneth Folk, and by Trudy Goodman (InsightLA) & Jack Kornfield of (Spirit Rock Meditation Center) in the Insight Meditation tradition.

Vince has been called a “power player of the mindfulness movement” by Wired magazine and was featured in Wired UK’s “Smart List: 50 people who will change the world.” In 2022 he co-founded a new venture, focused on improving the mental health & well-being of all humans using Multiplayer Meditation, called Interbeing Inc. Vince is rooted in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, with his partner Emily and their son Zander.

Emily West Horn
Buddhist Geeks Guiding Teacher

Emily West Horn is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher via the International Mindfulness Teachers Association. She is also authorized to teach meditation, dharma, and long retreats by Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society, and InsightLA.

Emily has been called a “power player of the mindfulness movement" by Wired Magazine. Her work is featured in 10% HappierBoston Children's Hospital's Comfort Ability Project, Buddhist Geeks, and apps such as Brightmind and buddhify.  She's also been mentoring mindfulness teachers in a certification led by Jack Kornfield, Ph.D and Tara Brach Ph.D for over 7 years. 

For her, a mindful life is simply learning to dance with all of this human experience: from transcendence to dirty dishes, evolutionary edges to ancient roots, solitary practice to deepening relationships. She lives the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina with her husband, Vince, and son, Zander.